"have a cup of tea, it will cool you down"


That article was written as an April fools to get people to drink hot drinks on sunny days

Alright Prime Minister Boris Johnson.


whichever one lets me stay in the matrix

fuck that shitey looking space ship & eating gruel, give me the steak

I think the problem is that people are drinking hot drinks in places that are already hot

"But, there’s a little caveat you should know about. If you’re drinking a hot drink in an environment where the sweat won’t evaporate ― like somewhere hot and humid ― that hot drink probably won’t do the trick. You might want to stick to a cold beverage if that’s the case. "

Have to go somewhere cool for it to work

In this scenario there is no impact beyond whether the window is open or closed.

(Is this a good bit btw? Doesn’t feel like it is does it)

Go somewhere cold and you’ll cool down but for some reason also have a cup of tea. Sake

i’ve got my doubts

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the tea will help warm you up now that you have gone somewhere cold

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exactly it does both, it’s a perfect balance

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Loads of folk sitting with a thermos of tea in walk in fridges because the Huffington post told them to

Outdoor sporty types reckon you’re cooler wearing a t-shirt than not. Something about ‘wicking’. Sounds like bollocks to me.

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This is a bit of a troll from Morpheus surely, given that he’s already made Neo open a window in a skyscraper and risk his life walking around on a ledge outside based purely on his say so already?

If a colleague asked you to open a window and you just opened a new window in your Internet browser this would be a

  • Funny bit
  • Very funny bit

0 voters

In this scenario, where I am Morpheous and Japes is Neo. None of the stuff in the film The Matrix (1999) has happened. It’s a self-contained scene in which I (Morpheous) am offering Japes (Neo) a choice.

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What if it ‘slams shut’

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“Can you open a window please?”
“Sure thing, normal or incognito mode?”
“Hahahaha, what a great bit!”


Are you offering us japes reloaded and japes revolutions as well? I’m assuming the latter would probably be about cycling.

“what do you mean? the window is still shut”
“i opened a new window!”
“you what?”
“on my computer! i opened up a new window”


Be great if there was like a secret spot on your body you could rub that would instantly cool you down.

Reckon you could start a rumour about something like that, like just rub this bit in the back of your neck just so and it releases cooling pheremones. No it’s true!