Have any of you ever visited the fiery depths of Hell?

Hang on I’ve got a list somewhere.

You said the thread was shit after WR provided some great #content


Please see my previous clarification.

Ruski’s addition was an exceptional piece of posting


FredSmith would be a good user name

For who?

Fred Smith

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Ah right, yeah. That would be bang on really


Should this not be in the travel category?

Yeah, I know man. I know

Used to live in this pub in Preston which was awful and colloquially known as Hel(l)

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Another misunderstanding cleared up in a respectful manner!


God bless x

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I’ll give you a fucking list!

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I moved your thread you ungrateful little oik!

Oh thank you so much!

You’re welcome!

Ipswich? yes, unfortunately

I heard Pandemonium has a good live music scene

I have. I exited through the gift shop.

I’m a bit late to all this, but just wanted to register my sincere appreciation of this word.