Whether regularly or as a curious teenager, this is the poll thread for you to be real.
Never shaved mine
Once shaved mine
Have shaved more than once
Shave regularly
Never shaved mine
Once shaved mine
Have shaved more than once
Shave regularly
Never shaved mine
Once shaved mine
Have shaved more than once
Shave regularly
Chat encouraged
Template for you
[poll name=ieatshitforbreakfast type=regular results=always public=true chartType=bar]
# Bodypart
* Never shaved mine
* Once shaved mine
* Have shaved more than once
* Shave regularly
Regularly give my eyebrows a number 1 all over (with the clippers not piss).
Accidentally forgot to put the guard on one time and took half my eyebrow clean off. Had to pencil it on using makeup for a couple of weeks until it grew back.
The bit that runs straight from my ear into my head with 0 dangling? Never shaved it. I do shave the middle out of my eyebrow (singular) at least twice a week if that makes up for it.