Fuck you, Federer!
Bet Blatter is absolutely creasing rn.
Absolute travesty isn’t it. I fucking love a Toblerone as well
At least they’ve kept the bear in the mountain.
keep the wolf from the door
Alright, Thom Yorke.
Could double up as a toast rack I suppose.
Awww, what’s the matter, hun? <---- terrific pun
As much use as a chocolate toast rack
I’ll be coming for you, pal
There’s nothing - nothing - that gets the British public more irate than people fucking with their chocolate.
Eat better chocolate, guys!
Pretty disrespectful post.
I will be voting to exit the Swiss Federeration
I haven’t eaten a Ritter Sport since a friend found a pube in one.
It was your friend’s pube.
Don’t sweat it, Swexit!
Ah, will you shut up about the damn Swiss! I mean, it was all that eins zwei drei nonsense that got us all nervous in the first place.
should have just made it shorter
the daft bastards