fallen off my own listening club, lol. Will give ELL another go today
scores for those who’ve been paying attention at home
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
- 9
- 10
- Xeno Pariah
- Know Me As Heavy
- Islands (She Talks In Rainbows)
- Trashcan Full Of Nails
- Send To Celeste
- The Quiet Game
- Noble Insect
- Sir Garlic Breath
- Crybaby 4 Star Hotel
- Biographer Seahorse
- Flunky Minnows
- Birds
- The Sudden Death Of Epstein’s Ways
- Reflections In A Metal Whistle
- Taciturn Caves
- A Burning Glass
- W/ Glass In Foot