šŸ”„ Hot Freaks: the Guided By Voices Listening Club (Final results time! 40 album ranking list! Freedom! - post 2160)

Still need to do my write up after another listen on the bus today, but for now - scores for Same Place the Fly Got Smashed

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0 voters
  • Airshow '88
  • Order for the New Slave Trade
  • The Hard Way
  • Drinkerā€™s Peace
  • Mammoth Cave
  • When She Turns 50
  • Club Molluska
  • Pendulum
  • Ambergris
  • Local Mix-Up/Murder Charge
  • Starboy
  • Blatant Doom Trip
  • How Loft I Am?
0 voters

Found this one a bit of a slog for the most part - too much mid paced murk for me. Drinkerā€™s Peace and Mammoth Cave are probably my highlights - took a couple of listens through for them to reveal themselves.

Quite enjoyed something about the ā€œbusker singing a half remembered version of If I Could Turn Back Time from a nearby tunnel on the Undergroundā€ vibes of Club Molluska too actually, so that can probably take my third spot.

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Same Place is a bit stronger than I remembered. Always remembered it for a few highlights (Drinkerā€™s Peace, Pendulum, How Loft I Am) and thought the rest was a bit of a slog but itā€™s not bad.

Local Mixup/Murder Charge goes on a bit, Iā€™ve never paid full attention to the overarching concept and then I get to that track and realise I should go back and try and catch more of the leadup. But never do.

Blatant Doom Trip is better than I remembered, will come back to that.

I can imagine most people hating Ambergris but Iā€™ve always quite liked that one in spite of its best efforts.


Yeah itā€™s actually much more consistent than I thought, for me it was like a less good version of Devil - great highs and some very skippable lows. But on these listens I only donā€™t love Airshow (which I still kinda respect) and Ambergis, and thatā€™s only 3 mins in total

Drinkerā€™s Peace is the clear standout as one of the saddest, most beautiful thing Bob has ever done. But then you also have the irresistible hooks of The Hard Way and Pendulum, both of which have been stuck in my head at random points all week. And is there any lyric that captures being in GBV better than ā€œYeah weā€™ll be middle aged children, but so what!ā€ Never change Bob

Mammoth Cave is that type of catchy/sludgy combo that I think they really are the masters of, Club Molluska shouldnā€™t work but itā€™s damn pretty. The ending is one of Bobā€™s best vocals up to now, so open hearted and yearning. Could be my fav single moment on here

Order for the New Slave Trade, Local Mix Up and Blatant Doom Trip are all diff flavours of them in their classic stoned rock mode, not far off something like Over the Mesh Gear Fox musically tbh. Too much of this and Iā€™d get bored, but in this context theyā€™re surrounded by little weird pop gems so itā€™s a good balance

Yeah, maybe my second fav so far? Like a high 7

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And now onto the first of the big hitters ā€¦ Propeller!


Their second best album.

No further questions.

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I can accept this view

A few more views would be good guys

First thing I ever had by them was the Vampire On Titus CD which had all of Propeller as bonus tracks. Thought for ages that they were just one 33 track album. Played it to death. Will always be my favourite stuff by them I think, even though they probably did hit higher highs later on





(this song does not rock)


Absolutely mindblowing to me that a scrappy little band makes a few albums of no real note and then comes up with ā€˜Over The Neptune/Mesh Gear Foxā€™. The jump in quality is stunning.

Was meant to listen to Self-Inflictedā€¦ and Same Placeā€¦ but might just skip them now.

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But theyā€™re shite!

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Theyā€™re alright!


Mad that this was supposed to be their finale but turned out so good it ended up being their first breakthrough

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Lineup according to the back cover of the CD:

Robert Pollard
Jim Pollard
Tobin Sprout
Greg Demos
Don Thrasher

w/ Mitch Mitchell + Dan Toohey

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