đŸ”„ Hot Freaks: the Guided By Voices Listening Club (Final results time! 40 album ranking list! Freedom! - post 2160)

Very weird, Class Clown was definitely on streaming when it came out, English Little League wasn’t for some reason. They eventually added ELL but took down Class Clown. No idea why.

Luckily I have the CD (though I don’t have it to hand until later in the week)

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Would be a shame as it’s a good one!


yeah but legit think we’ll have to - I was gonna make a YT playlist but 6 tracks are missing, nearly a third of the album

very odd all round

powering through the bizarre availability issues we’ll skip to the third part of The Great Comeback of 2012 with THE BEARS FOR LUNCH

PS if anyone finds a good solution for Class Clown soon then we’ll go back to it next week


I’ve got the Class Clown mps on my laptop so I might be able to upload a cheeky zip file for anyone who wants to hear it?


wonder if there’s somewhere it can be uploaded and still be playable in browser 
 also might look around reddit, surprised no one else has found an answer to this

Wonder if I can upload the missing tracks to youtube. Haven’t done that in a while


The rockier numbers are mostly quite droney, or like a version of drone done by the band in history least temperamentally suited to playing droney rock. I keep coming back to thinking of the contrast between say Spiderfighter and the chiming held chords or notes in songs like King and Caroline or My Kind of Soldier. I dunno, I just get a buzz hearing them working their magic over what often sound like warm up jams

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Feels like a genuinely good song to me, except for the bits where he sings the title and I think completely ruins it

Ah, I just assumed we’d at least be able to stream it from Bandcamp. Would be shame to miss it, though, as it’s probably the best of the reunion records!

IcSmic is gonna fix it all for us (for next week)


On it now, just having to use my parents’ slow country broadband


Nooooo, Class Clown is mostly very good.

Happy to wait a week if necessary, but it needs to be covered IMO.

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Should be able to get the missing tracks on youtube by this evening


Here is the writeup for The Bears For Lunch over at the Earful 'O Wax fanpage.


Brief hot take on both albums:

Class Clown cleans things up considerably from Factory, cleaner production but not as glossy as the early 00s albums, more of a mid-fi Under The Bushes sound. A more even and consistent listen than Factory - though imo the highs aren’t quite as high.

Bears For Lunch continues in the same vein as Class Clown but with better songs (aside from one stinker). For me it’s easily their best album from either reunion period.

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Spill the beans!

Tree Fly Jet is awful and goes on for far longer than it should!


I was never sure about “Hangover Child” being one of the singles, it’s a good moody song but not really an obvious choice for a preview track IMO. “The Challenge Is Much More” would’ve been a much better pick, I reckon.

The other two singles are two of the absolute best from this era, both of them gems: “White Flag” is beautifully melancholic and features a gorgeous wandering bassline which winds its way through the whole song, whereas “Everywhere Is Miles from Everywhere” is a triumphant, slightly proggy jangler. Both are genuinely wonderful.

Incidentally, “Everywhere Is Miles from Everywhere” was nearly my clever-clogs pick for the “Song Title Which Starts & Ends With The Same Letter” round in DiS ML13.

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