Is it natural or are people getting perms?
Loads of perms
Is this true? It is, isn’t it. I can’t believe it.
Zoomer perm, zoomer perm, what are they feeding you?
Getting used for volume as well as curls
A broccoli
I sometimes wonder how much easier my life would have been if I had good hair
then I remember my life is pretty easy anyway
Define good hair
you know, like a brocolli!
This is peak performance
One like: manches
- Hairdressers are buying new perming machines for the modern age
- Your grandmother’s perming machine is being reused for gen z
It seems so obvious, but for some reason I hadn’t worked out that the broccoli hairstyle’s popularity didn’t just magic out of nowhere.
Because when we grew up having curls was not at all cool or attractive - in my school, you’d be bullied for it, and people with curls straightened it or tied it back. I still only just feel ok about wearing mine natural, get lots of comments about it from strangers, and I worried that my partner wouldn’t fancy me if i wore it curly. Still have some residual feeling that if i went somewhere fancy, I’d not be allowed in with it natural
People are finally feeling ok about keeping their hair natural
Curls are the best, sad to hear that this wasn’t always understood.
They’re not using perm machines they’re just using perm paper and rods.
I nearly got one a bit ago (not for brocolli head) but decided against it