How hungry are you

out of ten?

can also talk about what you will / would like to eat in the immediate future if you are so inclined

I am at an 8 point 5

About a four, but I’ve already had lunch and have no food available until dinner tonight, so this could get pretty, pretty rough.

2/10, just had lunch, have a banana and pack of nuts sat here for afters, but will leave them till after my upcoming


Am warming a pizza up in the oven, see: Wednesday thread - #108 by anon67149139

o - matron!

what kind of nuts are we talking about here?

very. Still not gone for lunch yet, will do shortly

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Just got lunch though (veg and mozza wrap)

It’s this thing. Didn’t think I’d be a fan, but it’s pretty, pretty good. Part of the snacks and shit my office provides:

Looks like it should be exclusive to Intersport.

-1/10, I ate too much.

Currently eating aforementioned pizza, so now down to about 5/10

Just had lunch. Could still eat. 710

Want something sweet

how did the warm up work out?

Good! Just bunged it in the oven for ~15 minutes or so on a pizza tray


has lunch about an hour and a half ago: mongolian beef from the cafe, really bloody nice, plus a handful of pringles

will have a banana at 3

dinner is some kind of chorizo and butterbean (or maybe chickpea) stew and i’ve already decided we’re having wine with it