How influential are you?

Here are the top 100 influential people

Where do you rank? We can limit it to the uk if you like but I couldn’t be arsed to find a UK list.

There are around 38 million adults in the UK.

So between 1 (most influential) and 38million (least influential) where are you? I’m not sure I can make this any clearer.



I’m actually 101st, very narrowly missed out on making the list

Bet you really lord it over the remaining 921,889 as well.

(did not use a calculator)

=anyone on here -1

You bet your sweet arse I do!

Won it back in 2006. All downhill since then.

Probably about 400th. Ant reads my tweets and he’s 101st so must be up there.

I had to do some training yesterday on fraud, bribery and corruption. I think whoever assigned me that training massively overestimated my influence.

My clout should not be underestimated.

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