How much do you trust people?

From the first wife (but still sleeping with her). Married to the one he tried to kill but having an affair with a third (who thought the baby wasn’t his)

Oh the third one…I’d probably be somewhat suspicious of anyone who said they were not with their wife any more.

Took me a minute to realise you mean the guy in the article, and not someone you met.


Why the fuck do you want to know?

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I’m completely honest and trusting with anyone I’m in a relationship with, because why wouldn’t you be, same goes for close friends. I don’t trust everyone though, by a long way, I make the decision on who to trust based on instinct probably more than evidence. Fortunately this approach has never come back to bite me and I can’t think of any times that people who I’ve trusted have fucked me over, that I can think of, the people I am attracted to tend to be scrupulously honest.

Either I’m a good judge of character or I’ve been incredibly lucky

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Bloody hell,

Was this one of our cases Inspector @saps?


MInus the autism, isn’t that basically the plot of Some Like It Hot?

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They just ain’t no good.

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surely it doesn’t really matter if what she’s after is someone who does love her? either he’s full of shit and is just after sex, therefore not meeting her needs, or he has a genuine situation that means he isn’t capable of meeting her needs.

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I always think to trust people and then someone’s says something that’s clearly been said because of something I said to the original
Person who said they wouldn’t tell anybody.

Trust no one.

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Me too. Waaay too trusting and willing to ignore nagging doubts to give people the benefit of any.

It’s also why in the past I’ve sometimes been a flashing great magnetic for total wallopers to attach themselves to. Still, I’d rather be taken advantage of than be a distrustful cynic. Granted nobody has tried to murder me yet (to my knowledge).

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I find this story so chilling. also the fact that she was so under his control, and so gas-lighted (literally) that she pulled the first trial to defend him.

He was sleeping with his ex wife, wife, girlfriend, casual encounters and prostitutes. I mean jeez man get another hobby.

Even leaving aside for a moment the moral issues with this (his behaviour was, clearly, utterly, utterly shitty to say the least even before the murder attempts), I can’t understand how anyone, however much of a nob they are, would find the time and effort that must be involved in cheating on their partner with 2+ other people and trying to stop them all finding out about each other, really worth it.

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The thing I don’t get is that he must have known he’d be caught. Deliberately gassing the house in an attempt to blow it up, sabotaging a parachute - I’ve never tried to murder somebody, but these seem like ways that would be really obvious to trace.

Maybe that’s part of his psychopathic behaviour, the belief that he’d never be caught.

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Extremely trusting, unless there is evidence to the contrary.

Even more so when starting relationships. I see absolutely no utility in not being trusting. This isn’t the same as being wary, of course.

People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis.