How much would you like to earn

Ha ha ha, you’ve got no God. Shit city with no God


yeah but not enough people vote for them and even the artsy people on here aren’t interested in personal sacrifices or grand gestures that might help shift public perception of wealth and selfishness

You forgot most attractive

What did I say? Tbf nurses earn more than £30k after about 3 years of qualifying, let alone the office elite squadron who dominate these boards.

Watching that live edit was better than any film I’ve seen in the last year.

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Nothing simple about feeding people chicken. Just check @1101010’s thread for proof.

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Hi CG. Shall we just get rid now?


needs to be an organised effort where millions voluntarily take pay cuts or there’s no point at all

Then the money would stay in the businesses and we’d live in a feudal economy

What is it that bothers you about my post?

It’s usually a trade off. Cheaper places usually cost more to access employment and cultural activities and influence and power, because they’re removed from the centres of activity.

yeah you’re probably right. Maybe It’s just me and I don’t want to live in this world anymore

I don’t think anybody really needs to take home more than about £400 a week after tax. People will pretend they do, but they’d be privileged tories. Dunno what that is gross, guessing about £26k.

Should probably be compulsory for anyone who earns over about (plucks figure from thin air) £24k gross to give 1-2% of their wage to charity as well.

I wouldn’t like to earn a specific amount, i’d just like to work sociable hours, with nice people, do something different every day and be happy. I’d take £20k for that over, say, £60k for huge amounts of stress and working with bellends.


Late to the thread but whatever, hello :wave:
At this point in time, with a ~65k debt from University fees, (still increasing on a PhD stipend, good 1), I’ll need to earn above £45k, I think, to begin to pay it back over the interest. I would not feel remotely “immoral” having a salary of this level. This also means I can’t realistically begin saving until I am 27+, so the idea of getting on the property ladder before I* want to have kids in my, probably early thirties… eugh this all seems so grim when you spell it out

*the TV

Classic solicitors

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feels really pointless carrying on living if we’re just stuck in a system where even the good people can’t really do anything or else risk giving more power to fewer individuals.


Lots. Cba with reading replies

People shouldn’t have to donate any money to charity (at least for concerns at a local/national level). Taxes should pay for what people need. That’s why charities and donating to charity are rarer in places with high taxation, like Scandinavia and the Netherlands.

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