My hamstrings are so tight that when you have to do that thing to show how stretchy you are, I can’t even reach the chart. I have tried doing yoga, but it’s just embarrassing when you can’t even do the most basic things. I would like to be more flexible, but not enough to do much about it. Probably means I’m gonna get injured lots as I get older, which is a shame.
Really not flexible at all. A physiotherapist reckons I’ve got some kind of connective tissue disorder, it’s that bad.
I tried yoga but the instructor kept manhandling me because I wasn’t bending far enough and she seemed to think it was due to lack of effort rather than being broken. I remember her standing over me and pushing down on my shoulders with all of her weight because they weren’t level with the mat, and looking perplexed.
Not very at all. I can’t sit on the floor with my legs crossed - I have to do that thing where I wrap my arms around my knees to sit upright.
I’m hoping that getting back into swimming and losing a bit of excess weight around my midriff will help, but I may have to start looking at pilates or something as i get older.
I have Haglan’s Deformities: my hamstrings are so tight that they’ve pulled on, and deformed, my ankle bones so I have two weird spurs of bone, one on each ankle.
Fun fact: this is the medical condition that kept Trump out of 'Nam.
my hams are generally tight af and cause me no end of problems from sprinting. I have an extensive warm up regime before going for it, that’s kept the wolves at bay for a while but I can feel a rip coming
The fitter/ stronger I am (as in doing weights and bodypump and running and stuff) the less flexible I tend to be. I’m not very fit rn but I can put my head on my knees with my legs straight, so at least I’m bendy.