How subservient are you?

I don’t care if I see someone else’s shit in the toilet. Well, skids, anyway. It’s a toilet. That’s what people use them for. No use pretending otherwise.

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you’re not looking at it for long anyway, are you? like one second max.

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Depends if I’m doing a stand up wee or not.

I’m the perfect mix

If meo and eps are arguing over poo then something is grossly wrong with the world. They’re shitty brother and sister in arms.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention that I will piss off other’s skids. No questions asked, no shaming, I’ll just do it.


Heroic behaviour, obviously.


Why have you all got incredibly shitty skid marks in your toilets?

Also @plasticniki
we’re talking about AT HOME
Not a public toilet
A household toilet
Full of skid marks that they’re leaving for other people to clean up

Kids plus we shit in them

I don’t like making people brews or going on errands for people. Dunno why. It’s a weird selfish thing i’ve had since i was a kid. Like, i always want to appear too busy. If i’m going to the shop, say, and someone asks me to get them something i’s say ‘no, piss off, go yourself’ etc. If i’m midbrew and someone says they’ll have one i won’t do it. Even i think it’s weird.

yeah I wouldn’t be happy about that in my own loo but theoretically speaking I have no real issue with shitty skid marks in loos elsewhere. like, i wouldn’t change cubicles because of it

The argument started cause those bozos do not clean up their own shits if it’s below the water line in their own household toilet

They just…leave them?

Below the water line’s good, imho.

Easier just to stick a bloo in.

Good edit




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Everyone is awful.

Also surprise it’s men. I bet all your misses are fucking pissed off with you.

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Bathroom’s one of my cleaning jobs, actually. Easiest room in the house, imo.

Don’t forget that meowington has a cleaner

really need a poo now guys

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