Some of the suggestions on social media (mostly Bluesky)
• Going to see a random artist you’ve never heard of every month at your local venue (Ross from How to Build A Festival podcast)
• Check out a local open mic night for up and coming artists and enjoyable covers. In my experience, a welcoming and supportive atmosphere and a brilliant evening of live music for the cost of a pint. (Purple Larley)
• If the artist has a CD or a vinyl or a T- Shirt , buy one … at the merch table , on bandcamp, if the artist has downloads on a website …, every little bit helps (omnipoprecordshop)
• Always get there for the support act. At festivals, get there early and visit the smaller stages. Check out artists you’ve never heard of on YouTube/streaming in advance and make yourself a schedule. You never know who you’re going to discover! If you see an act as support /festival filler you really like, buy their CD/vinyl, go to their show next time they’re in town… share your discoveries on social media… (Paul Goodall)
• Drop your phone and talk to people about the local music scene, music from smaller artists…. Do this in the line to get your coffee. (Franck Martin)
• Also sharing albums and acts you find and like and sharing events you might go to makes a massive difference (Matt McCartney)
• This is fabulous! I would add buy the music directly from the artist on CD or LP formats! (Frank Smith)