How's your hair? #HaircutWeek

i’m obviously biased as a long hair 4 lyfe but your super long hair looked amazing in the pic you posted the other day!

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Went two weeks ago to celebrate my return to the office. Felt bad for the hairdresser as I was his only customer and business seemed very slow.

Won’t go for at least another month though.

more people should go full caveperson imo

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Let DiS Judge you. We are good at that.

Getting it cut on… Thursday as I have an interview on Friday and it’s got a little bit out of control for having to at least look like I’m mildly responsible

Just a trim tho! So like this but not as mad :+1:

Can make myself look well emo at the moment if I like


Absolutely under no circumstances will this be happening :grinning:

ah like this then I guess!


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Took Jimbo for a haircut last week, and told him that he was going to get a number two on the sides.

He was literally in tears at the end when he found out that he wasn’t getting a number shaved into the side of his hair


Hopefully getting mine cut on Thursday, exciting times, great to be a part of #haircutweek


I like the length but it’s got a bit much to deal with and I’ve got terrible split ends. Hoping the plaits will help slow down the split ends as it means less brushing/fewer tangles. But I don’t really want to have to wear plaits once I start leaving the house again so I’ll have to find a suitable length to compromise on.

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Full caveman and just had it cut mate

alright, schrödinger


Looks fine. Last had it done three weeks ago

it’s a nice length right now i think thanks

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Still cutting it myself but actually pretty good at it now

non-existent (need to buy better clippers)

Still haven’t cut it since the pandemic started

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that’s a gag I’ve had running through my head for years every time I go to the barber

pic from this weekend



Low, not particularly severe (so like a 0.5 to a 2). Still long enough on top that it doesn’t have the affect of looking like someone has icing sugared my head.