Human-sized penguin fossil discovered in New Zealand

Hopefully Friday is just @japes photoshopping everyone’s selfies into that outfit, so we can see how sharp we would look if we were normal human beings

ok somebody else said this sorry

They aren’t smaller, they’re just all further away these days.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Gaming 2019

big things live longer right?

Is bigness and long life required for intelligence?


still my favourite tweet of all time

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Some pesky species called homosapien also killed loads of them and transfomed their environment making it harder for them to survive too.

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maybe the smartest biological thing ever will be a tiny insect as it will evolve faster

企鹅 - Penguin

企 - Business

鹅 - Goose

Penguin = Business Goose

in mandarin that is

‘Look at that massive business goose with his massive business suit on’


didn’t actually know this, I thought they were flightless

  • One human size penguins
  • 100 penguin size humans

0 voters

They don’t use the feathers to fly. They use them for tickling each other.

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@anon76851889 gaming thread pls

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NOOOO! Leave it!

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What an arrogantly human post!

i heard there were penguins almost, but not quite, the size of people!

It’ll be a cold day in hell when I recognise the Humboldt penguin

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ah that’s delightful!