I had sex with 1057 men in 12 hours

Not me but Bonnie Blue.

Bonnie Blue, if you do not know, is the figurehead of a new type of sex worker, right at the intersection of OnlyFans, pornography, and social media.

The algorithm clearly worked out I am male. I cannot scroll social media without this content – and there’s more than just Bonnie – finding me.

So, how do we all feel about it?

Is this something we should accept? Is it something social media should promote? Is it something we can ignore?

Not my vagina, not my business.


Grazia write about these types of content creators, for example:

Some of controversies:

  • Blue completed a ‘freshers tour’, where she visited UK universities with the aim to sleep with as many students as possible, with the particular aim to find virgins.
  • Her content uses dehumanising language to refer to herself and other women.
  • The content sees women’s role as pleasure-givers to men, and contributes to a dehumanising of women.

This is part of what Moya and Ash on ‘If I Speak’ call the contentification of pornography. The average age children first see pronography is 13. 79% of children encounter violent pornography before the age of 18. Twitter is the source young people are most likely to have seen pornography.

I think it’s really pathetic that you can find a thousand men who want to do this, quite the damning indictment and I’m embarrassed to belong to the same gender


sounds impossible


Call me a cynic but I reckon someone may have lied on the Internet to court controversy


You wouldn’t catch 1000 women queuing up for 2 seconds with a mediocre man!

Any man


This isn’t what Norris McWhirter had in mind at all.


It’s the thought of the smell that gets me :fearful:

not with that attitude

The Kier Starmer Story


Find out how with this one trick they don’t want you to know about!


You’d be physically wrecked surely. Sounds horrible.


obviously didn’t happen, but yeah the logic of engagement farming online means that some sex workers do things to deliberately provoke misogynist outrage, by almost acting like a caricature of a sexist caricature, and I would put this in that kinda category. I don’t think it’s necessarily anti sex-worker to have a problem with that, but as ever the real problem is with the structure of our (social) economy, and the lack of democratic oversight of that economy & of online public spaces that’s created this layer of petit-bourgeois online get-rich-quick dickheads


I don’t see how it’s that different from sex work in general. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with saying sex work is extremely hazardous work and everyone needs to be offered protection from harm, including (where relevant) less dangerous livelihoods.


I guess the problem with so much of this is that Blue’s whole operating model seems to be (I genuinely don’t know that much about her) essentially capitalizing off of the outrage that her content is generating.

That said I think the issue isn’t really just about her but also the fact that the logic that she’s reproducing is to a great extent the dominant logic in the societies where her content is most popular albeit with perhaps slightly more pushback in some spaces and it’s perhaps that which I think should be the focus of people critiquing her.

Algorithms pursuing people with porn when people will seek out porn regardless is very toxic and unnecessary, which i think is what this thread is about? The Internet is a horrible cesspool and i wish it didn’t exist.

Someone having a massive gangbang is entirely their business


Works out at about 90 / hour

I did 1058 suffferrrrrrr