As you wish!
Drowned in found
Oh there you are
Can someone keep an eye on this thread please? I just found it wandering in the Classifieds.
It just keeps in wandering off. I’m sure it’ll get tired someday soon.
I did it
Oi! Get back in yer board
Good work Ducky. This thread’s a nightmare.
Found the thread confused and lonely on the site feedback board, poor thing.
Gonna be honest, I set up this thread as if I was wearing a shirt saying the thread title, like how people say “If found return to the pub”.
That’s ok though. That’s alright.
I swear, someone had better start taking responsibility here, otherwise thread is going to end up in some seriously deep water indeed.
Pleased to inform you all the thread is still safely on the social board for once.
I love this thread
This thread is so bad - just stay in one place!
Again? for real?
Wee scamp
@system you sneaky cunt