If you had to swap your head hair for the pelt of any animal which would it be?

This has been an original question thought of and posed by @Antpocalypsenow

Not given it much thought but probably dromedary.


(a lion really but couldn’t see one)


@Xylopwn is already training his cat to sit on his head.

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I did my GCSE IT powerpoint presentation on dromedaries.

do we have to wear the pelt on our head?

No, you can just be a bald pelt owner if you like.

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Shall I take this or would I be stepping on your toes?

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oh sorry

Already fielded it, thanks, man. You’re a class act.

Polar bear

I’m already pretty bald so this just sounds like free pelt to me


Ask any child what color a polar bear is and s/he will exclaim, “white” with great enthusiasm, but truth be told, their fur is actually transparent and holds no color. It only appears white because it reflects visible light

It’s alright I mainly hang out in places with visible light in

Mostly they look sort yellowy white. Like snow someone pissed in.

Whichever one is most endangered.

Fuck em.

Alternatively - Fox. Obviously.


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Hedgehog, obviously

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rainbow trout

OBVIOUSLY a badger.