I was reading Stefan Zweig’s autobiography, and when passports and border controls were brought in around WWI he and other people were absolutely up in arms at the imposition and the idea that it was bringing in police states.
That’s the problem, innit. So in theory, I’d say FoM for everyone, but in practice I’d say FoM within the EU where everyone has agreed to it and restrictions on other countries where it has not been agreed to.
Other: if I’m honest, it’s not something I’ve given enough thought to. I probably feel like I’ve spent enough energy trying to defend (to various Brexity associates) the existing position, without really considering whether FoM should be for everyone.
Am open to persuasion on the matter so if anyone’s got a good book/article they’d recommend then I’ll happily read it.
tbh by ‘everyone’ I mean just those participating, and enough ‘attractive’ countries to make it viable. As is is a good start, but tbh in an ideal world all countries would have FoM - never going to get that from the US though (funny for a country built on immigration and the American Dream)
As long as we can keep like, Spain etc, so all the people that complain about FoM then head over there and set up shit bars and whatever and talk about how they left because of foreigners coming in without any sense of irony.
I really want to say FoM for everyone, but it’s just not realistic. I don’t agree with the anti-immigration view that the UK is full, but if we had FoM for the 8 billion people on the planet that could be potentially disastrous.
I’d prefer to have FoM for EU and then everyone outside treated to fair and equal immigration laws, regardless of which country they are from and with a very lax view to groups like students.