
Anyone do improv here? Improv! Be whatever you want to be!

I’ve just started doing an eight week course. I host a night similar to a live version of Mystery Science Theatre every two months called Comedy Commentary Cinema and think it will help knowing the basic rules.

I’m also hoping it will help with stand up, particulalry being a bit looser about it all.

So theatre Sports, Chicago Style etc. etc. We’ve all seen Whose Line Is It Anyway? This thread is about improv.

I think improv is mostly very very annoying.


I play improvised music all the time. Not this stuff though. No siree.

yeah, but you’ve proven time and time again that you’re a very miserable man, man




Do you still have an open beeve file on me?

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I saw some improv in New York last year and have been looking for classes/ groups in Glasgow. It looks like fun (although potentially very annoying for an audience.)

Yeah, definitely seems to be more fun to do than to watch. That’s why I’m giving it a go.

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If I go to any kind of performance, I really don’t want the artist(s) to be enjoying themselves more than me. I don’t really want them to be enjoying it at all.

I hate seeing musicians smiling at gigs. Fuck off mates, just focus on playing and entertaining me.

Going to file it alongside slam poetry in my list of things I never want to see, participate in or be told about


I like some improv podcasts but not sure I’d fancy seeing the live stuff



Paul F Tompkins is amazing

I’d like to see him and others in that scene, less keen on seeing some over the top sketch team full of wacky people

I once cracked an unplanned funny and people laughed.

Yeah we remember “I wonder simply wear a hat”, the one about your mum (“YOUR MUM, SHIT!”). Loads. You’re an inadvertent improv genius.

Please add this to the file @bird

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Those were all premeditated. Balonz is a mastermind.

I remember listening to a Comedy Bang Bang Podcast with him on and thinking they were amazing. Then I listened to one without him and realised that guy who hosts it isn’t actually very good at all. Then I realised what made the first one good. Then I saught out as much of his stuff as possible to binge on it. Then I discovered he was Mr Peanut Butter and was like WOW

Have you listened to any Andy Daly stuff? His podcast was great, especially the german holiday one with PFT on it