1hr 12 mins
<post is 12 characters>
1hr 12 mins
<post is 12 characters>
same, what are the chances of that!?!
0 voters
41 minutes
41 minutes
Hope you’ve brought your tennis gear
should I watch ben hur? it looks well shit
and long
1 hr 38 mins
straight to the pub
0 voters
2220 seconds.
we’re having work drinks afte possibly free food and booze though
Wait, I didn’t mean to vote yes!
get shit faced
too late! if end up going to watch this pish I’m holding you responsible
You guys can decide for me:
0 voters
planning on either just getting the free stuff and sitting somewhere else in the room
or just taking a barrel, loading up my share of free booze, and going home
will we eventually get bored of making polls[poll type=multiple min=1 max=2]