Is is the second of March

Urgh this. Whyyyyyyyyyy.

My especially troublesome tonsil has shrunk back to normal size! Yay! Iā€™ve gone up to that London first thing and submitted my Russian visa. I am PRAYING that it is accepted first time (and that my friendā€™s is as well) and I filled everything in right.

Back to work and ready to wince my way through a somewhat bleak debrief meeting. It is so hard not to shout I TOLD YOU SO!!! when you told them so isnā€™t it. But I am the most junior person in the meeting (hence being ignored in the first instance) so I donā€™t think it would go down well ahead of my appraisal tomorrow.

Got my cuddly rabbit Thumper in my bag :rabbit2:

Had a Tesco jam doughnut already. Itā€™s all downhill from here.

You could have one every hour?


Iā€™d need to do a supply run but ok.


Holy shit, I just spoke to a lady with the surname Smee in work!



About to get my toast order in. Any requests @kermitwormit?

Marmite it is!

Loving the new 'do

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I fell down a quarry at Christmas and my hand still aches.


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Morning DiS, today is my first day back working after my wisdom tooth got taken out and then got infected, my face has been in pain for days and has a lump on it and the only thing that Iā€™ve had the energy to do is binge Love is Blind and play hours of Zelda and my stomach feels like a pharmacy but I think Iā€™m finally getting better?

@anon45164313 if there is anything at all the hardship fund can help with then please please please DM one of us


select my lunchtime soup please

  • Baxters french onion
  • Waitrose essentialā„¢ cream of mushroom
  • Waitrose essentialā„¢ cream of tomato
  • Baxters carrot & coriander

0 voters

Morning all,

Good - Had a bit of a sexy dream last night, made a nice change from my usual Sunday night horrible nightmares and I feel a little perkier than I usually do on a Monday, as a resultšŸ‘

Bad - I have no lunch :confused:
Really wish Iā€™d brought a brownie into work with me :cry:

Just counted 1256 packets of screws. How did my life get here.

Rip Zealā€™s savings.

Katie Meluaā€™s next project.