Is it too early to listen to Christmas music?

I want to give that Marky K album a spin today.

course not mate, it’s December! :slight_smile:

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ah sweet cheers! Gonna enjoy this.

haven’t listened to it before, must look it up over the weekend!


King’s Crossing counts as a Christmas song I reckon

I’ve been listening to WARM 101.3 (Rochester NY’s Holiday Gift of Music!) for a week now. Christmas songs merged with local ads for car dealerships and funeral homes and news items about peewee hockey teams and road closures. Wonderful:

Do it! Love Mark’s take on those classics :slight_smile:

is this a Christmas song???

I listened to it, it made me cry a lot. Been a tough year.

Sorry man, maybe listen to these albums instead:

Bit more jovial :slight_smile:

would like a really nice instrumental Christmas album to put on in the background I think

it doesn’t even feel like december yet. i reckon i’ll be listening to them by next weekend.

This is my go (mostly) instrumental Christmas album:

A Charlie Brown Christmas: null - YouTube

listening now this is great thanks x

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