is your diet balanced?

Were they in the sixth circle of Hell? It’s been a while since I read Inferno.


Yes. Booze is like salt for life.


i eat too much processed meat, dairy and far too much sugar

should eat more fruit and veg too

unfortunately I never gain much weight - which makes me lazy about making positive diet changes

I normally swing from periods of being insanely unhealthy to super healthy. I’d say unusually I’m right now somewhere in between but could do with eating more fruit.

Have you any good recipe recommendations/cooking tips?
I don’t think I’ve ever tried it!

Faarrrr too much sugar, great other than that. But I definitely have a sugar addiction

I’ve just started doing keto again which is going to get me back on the nuts (wahey) and the greens but won’t do anything to reduce my meat consumption. Left unchecked, I’m a fiend for processed shit though and “I’ve just moved countries so I’ll indulge myself for a month or so” turned into a year of eating non-stop garbage.

Definitely eat too much salt though. It’s the number one complaint the TV has about my cooking

Yeah it’s internal seasoning. Everything tastes better.

Whenever I read those articles that say things like ‘studies show people who eat almonds/drink green tea etc live longer/lower their risk of heart disease/etc’ I think, yeah but the kind of people who drink green tea and eat almonds are the kind of people who are probably into being healthy in general and lead a good, balanced lifestyle.

…or they are people like me who eat it to try and balance out all the other stuff I put into my body.

I eat lots of vegetables. I try to eat low carb in the week (to me this mostly means no white carbs - which I eat plenty of at the weekend) eat lots of fruit, not much meat, esp red, try to eat a variety of foods and try new things when I have the time, energy and inspiration. I eat too much sugar and drink too much booze but I’m making a real effort to cut down on that in the week.
I’d genuinely rather live a shorter life in which I’ve enjoyed pizza, chocolate, wine, banoffee pie, bread and butter and roast potatoes cooked in three types of fat than cut it all out completely, have a fantastic body and live a bit longer.
Eating a healthy balanced diet does feel great! Especially long term, but it feels even greater combined with all of the above too.


I had a flick through that ‘I quit sugar!’ book a few years ago(the one by Sarah Wilson).
In the introduction she was saying how amazing she felt and how good much it did for her skin etc. I thought good for you! I’m glad you’re happy. But, although it would be wonderful to look and feel like that, I’d rather eat cake and be chubby and spotty from time to time. Proper cake, made with sugar and butter not vegetables and carob syrup or whatever it is.

Right, having said that, I’m off to make my plain porridge.

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Lol no

Proud of you, Shrewbs!

Diet is relatively OK but have got a bad Coke Zero habit (a litre a day often) that I really need to kick.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


But coke zero is so good!


Hmm I’ll dig out what I’ve done with it before and let you know.

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My diet is pretty decent, and I’m really into fitness.
I eat clean throughout the week. No fizzy drinks or majorly unhealthy takeaway meals etc. Lots of veg and water. I’ve also been cutting down on meat over the past six months to minimise my carbon footprint. No longer cook meat at home, just eat it out occasionally.

I have from time to time done a ‘Whole 30’ which is basically a month of eating a modified paleo diet: no refined sugar, no grains and no dairy. Basically leaves you with unprocessed foods (meat, fish, eggs, nuts, fruit and veg). It’s hard to keep up unless you’re very diligent, but each time I did it I felt incredible, it was like I was a new person.

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