It turns out Fitflops are still called that in Australia

Even though they call flip-flops “thongs” over there (hurr) so the joke is meaningless.


Without doubt the best thread these new boards have seen.



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It’s great that you can now like the OP.

If I could tag from my phone I’d have tagged you obviously.

Your phone doesn’t have the @ symbol?

Sorry I mean the topic tags

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cheers Jordo

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Apology graciously accepted

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is it time for a “Thread For Documenting When Theo Tells You Boring Shit About Australia (rolling)” thread

think we might have enough ammo for it

Remember when someone ended up with a German word for their Username because they couldn’t spell Harry?

don’t come in ere making something up called fitflops

should theo be banned for this

  • yes
  • no

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