Job happiness, etc

i think i’ll always find something to moan about or someone who pisses me off so no point trying really


L. A. W., motherfucker.

I’ve essentially been doing a job that’s basically one of my hobbies for years now although at the moment I’m getting prodded into more account management rather than techy type stuff which I find a little bothersome.

Doesn’t ‘I love my job’ generally mean ‘I don’t hate my job’?.

I hate my current job, but my new job has lovely people and the benefits are absolutely amazing, and the work is interesting enough…so I can see myself loving it (mostly in the sense of not hating it tbh)

Never loved a job I’ve had. Have fallen into the trap of giving up on the idea of doing something I’d like to do and so have ended up doing things I consider to have value, which has generally translated into ‘causes a lot of stress’.

I’m unhappy in my work pretty much everyday, but receive regular assurance that it’s all worthwhile. On the upside, it’s very hard to be bored when you’re constantly up to your eyeballs (and look, I’ve managed to waste a couple of minutes replying here!)

Definitely see a job as a means to an end for funding good times elsewhere. Went through a phase of HATING it but now I’m enjoying it again. Definitely a slave to the wage above all else though.

Plan is to use this current job to save loads so that in about 4 years time I can sell the flat I own and bail out of London and get a decent gaff in another city for a cheap, cheap mortgage and do something for less money but a) more enjoyable b) less stress and c) affording me the ability to have the same quality of living I do now.

Used to love tearing around the country in my little delivery van. The only downer was dealing with customers and having to lug their shopping around, but even that generally wasn’t too bad.

Working on pedalo swans was pretty nice aside from dickead managers, but generally it was just rowing a boat, getting a tan, making friends with a duck and chatting shite endlessly.

Also saw a woman punch a goose in the head once, was good craic.

But alas I don’t think I could do it ever again.


have always liked my jobs, easy enough, got on with people, public facing which I love doing…

then i got a job in an office doing university admin and it was so awful I used to cry on the way in. Hated everything about it

so sacked that off and am training to be a primary school teacher which i love so far and better carry on doing as i am too old to have another career change really. (plus the mounting student debt)

btw have been pretty jaded about work ever since leaving what I thought was my dream job that I landed straight out of uni (music selection for ads, restaurants, hotels, high street shops etc) - thought I hated it but probably had more to do with the terrible commute and the fact that I started work 3 days after my final exam.

I’m happy in my job, despite the occasional late finish and stress that can go with that.

A job is a means to an end to support the lifestyle that you want, but having a job that doesn’t get you down or get you frustrated makes a huge difference to how much you enjoy your time outside of work.

Outside of those, having a job with a sense of achievement really helps - seeing things that you’ve designed get built is very satisfying.

I think changing things up is going to be a good thing in most cases. A lot of jobs are monotonous by their nature, and after 2/3 years you’re going to see all there is to it. After that, you either ignore the monotony or let it become an increasing source of hate and frustration.

But if you’ve got the option I think changing jobs is a good thing for mental health. It doesn’t seem right to me, to do the same task for decades. Obviously it’s fair enough for some, but usually only if those jobs are quite varied… which unfortunately is a rare.

I’ve certainly had jobs that I’ve loved in the past, but never for more than the short term. Loving a job is a difficult thing to do for years and years, and shouldn’t really be expected. It’s impossible to stay satisfied doing the same thing, considering the way people can change.

I like my job on the whole, it’s definitely the best I’ve ever done.

But love it? Nah. I fundamentally struggle to see how I could love anything that demands I get out of bed at a certain time, travel across town, sit in front of a computer and devote my efforts to something that, at heart, I don’t really care about, even if the tasks themselves are fairly diverting and the people are nice. That’s before you add in hours I don’t really like, boring aspects of the job, the fact I abhor taking responsibility for things etc. And the fact that basically, I am forced to do this in order to keep myself housed and clothed fed.

And as I’ve got older my eyes have been opened to the fact that even “dream jobs” are riddled with issues that would soon kill any dream for me.


I am happy with my job at the moment. I’m writing for a magazine, which is a job I have wanted to do since i was a teenager and am very lucky to have in the current climate. However, I often dislike it as I am not terribly good at it and probably will not progress very far in the industry. Also, it is not particularly well-paid, which is a problem in London, so I do some bar work in some evenings. I actually really enjoy that. Would love to run a pub one day.

Had a really horrible job in media/sales last year, which I absolutely hated for many reasons, partly because I was terrible at it.

It’s incredibly difficult to find a job that is well-paid, fulfilling and allows you to have a life outside it.

Nailed it.

Having a job that’s project-based helps to break up the monotony, but a piece of advice I was given, was ‘if you don’t move up within 5 years, move out.’

Obviously, there’s a huge assumption that you’re privileged enough to be able to make that choice, but I think it holds true that staying in the same job, in the same role, doing the same thing for too long will leave you jaded and blunt your ability to work creatively.

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How much do we think DiS contributes to the economy by making people’s working days bearable?


bearable is pushing it, but certainly throttles the boredom to an extent

Whilst I understand this - I see no problem with finding something you like doing that you’re happy to stay doing for years, decades even. Obviously differs from person to person in terms of their motivations and that. Ultimately I’d like to get to a place where moving “up” is seen as an active choice rather than as a necessity if that makes sense.

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For most people, a job is the lesser of two evils