Just got heckled

I like this one

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Blow them a kiss.

don’t like milkshakes but I could chuck a carton of milk over them I guess

a group of lads in a car did this to me about 10 years ago over my shorts (?!) but they stopped about 10 metres later at a traffic light. walked over to the car and they wound the window up and jumped the light.


ahahaha, pricks!

Still my favourite


enjoy the absolutely luxury of living in Brighton and not having to deal with this; went for a run in Tooting once and two separate groups of guys shouted ‘118 118’ at me because I had a headband on.

actually quite liked that one even though I’m obviously anti-heckling in general

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really wished i’d keyed the car or ripped the wingmirror off or something now. :frowning:

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it’s annoying how occasionally you will think of these incidents years later and get frustrated with your inaction


something to note - spain is a mecca for groups of jovial lads in souped up astras, and never once been heckled here. always anticipate it when I see one coming, but never ever happens.

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in fact the person (english) who was just visiting heckled someone from the car and I was like fuck dude stop that.

how many people on average do you think these folks heckle?

If they do this to me, average white guy in 30s with hair and moustache, must be so many targets of their abuse/ridicule.

All day long shouting nasty shit from their cars. It’s a bad world!

that’s kind of beautiful

Oh! that guy was A DICK.

he was having such a great day.

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Get heckled / harassed fairly often when cycling, usually when stopped at lights or a junction.

New tactic is to just do a Steve Austin style really puzzled ‘what??’ after every single thing they say

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when Pokemon Go first came out and EVERYONE was playing some bigger boys pointed at me and shouted ‘look, there’s a Snorlax’


I laughed, tbf that is quite funny

sorry pretty sure i’ve posted this at least 3 times before.


Your hair is fab, and you don’t look like shit.

I find that the best thing to do to wind up anybody who is annoying me and who is behind the wheel of the car, is to pretend that I’ve mistaken then for somebody I know, and give them a big cheery grin and a wave, maybe a thumb up too.
Drives them APOPLECTIC.


Winding up drivers while cycling is the best. Love going right in front of people who have stopped in the bike box at a red light. Then taking absolutely ages to start moving and peel over to the side of the road when they go green


Such a weird thing this - always got this in England when I had long hair, never if it was short. Genuine aggression as well.