thought it would be nice to have a thread where we promise to do stuff for ourselves that we’d usually deem selfish, frivolous or not worth it e.g. running yourself a nice bath, buying yourself a book you’ve always wanted to read, doing your nails etc., just general reminders to be kinder to ourselves.
i’ve generally having a crap time atm and got some bad news today, i understand that some of you guys are also struggling atm. let’s all make promises to be kind to ourselves!!!
I’m going for dinner at this place tomorrow night:
It feels a bit weird going out and having a nice time when we’re going through it as a family but I figure, sod it, we had the reservation booked before we got the bad news. Just because some of life is shit, doesn’t mean it all has to be shit.
At the moment my mind feels like a cracker or something that’ll just snap completely under any pressure whatsoever, my body is like actually heavy/doubled over with sadness, and all I can do to be kind to myself is nothing at all.
Nice thread. Personally I am too good at being frivolous and for myself the kindest thing I could do is to challenge myself/do things I find difficult/do some actual work.
I’ll be honest man, not really. Really not really. Feel a bit guilty venting like this but it’s nicely semi-anonymous or at least folks I don’t really know so it’s convenient. Maybe it’ll pass.
Mate don’t feel guilty at all - this is totally the place to do it and it’s great that you feel it’s a convenient place to vent. If you ever want to PM or whatever about what’s on your mind I’d be happy for you to vent some more!
started drinking a bit more heavily again to get me through dissertation hell. I’ve come to the conclusion that the more often I’m sober during the week, the more anxious I feel. Anxiety is causing me to not get this done.
I reckon I would have this fucking nightmare of a thing finished if only I wasn’t living at home or working part time/wasting hours travelling to and from work and feeling so exhausted by the time I get back.
I have all the time in the world to complete it, but I really should’ve done it by now. I’ve wasted so much time that I’m even having sleepless nights just thinking about it. Whenever I attempt to work on it, something always goes wrong. Even as I’m typing this, all of a sudden my keyboard seems to be broken, for example.