Let's have a Magdalena Bay thread, as a treat

Two fantastic albums = justification for own thread.

Imaginal Disk is out and I’ve been rinsing it since Friday… I think it might be a genuine stone cold 10/10? The great thing about Mercurial World (or one of them) was the amount of styles they tried on an pretty much nailed, but with this one they’ve hit on a sound that’s completely their own and stuck with it for pretty much the whole album (except maybe the first track, which feels kinda like an intro as a result. A great one tho). It makes it feel like a classic album as a result I think rather than a collection of great songs, if you know what I mean. It just flows beautifully. So many incredible moments as well, I think Watching T.V might be my favourite?

Anyway let’s all talk about how good they are and if you don’t know about that yet you can listen to the album here

Oh and I can’t fucking wait for their upcoming tour, going to Outernet in London… :boom:


Actually it’s probably uncool to go for the banger as the best tune but Death & Romance is just so good man


Yeah they’re great

I’d assumed they were pretty big already but they’re playing here for €21 which is insane in this economy, so they can’t be

I was looking at this earlier & the tracks on Mercurial World have a few million streams each on average, so like… big for an alternative band i guess? But yeah you’d think they’d be bigger, their tracks are so ready to break into the pop world & they’re both slamming hot

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Top Dog is great but I’ve not listened to anything else

EXO is gr8 from that mixtape too, but yeah if you like Top Dog then you’re already primed to get on board the hype train

Wanna hear your Imaginal Disk thoughts Manches

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It’s a sick album title for starters

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Also if there’s anyone who I would think would appreciate their Windows 95 David Lynch Shitposter visual style it would be you



mert suggested a song to me and it was nice. All music is very driving in a car with the sunroof open now isn’t it?


This is also nice but the sunroof would definitely be down if that’s a vibe you’d prefer

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Hadn’t listened to this band before @Al_Rec recommended them in the pop thread and now I am obsessed.

New album is fantastic, got a bit of a Soft Bulletin vibe to it imo. Wanna see them live but they’re not coming to Scotland sadly


It’s Cry For Me, for me

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I rinsed Mercurial World and I’m gonna rinse Imaginal Disk

Wrote then off initially as a gimmicky band but they absolutely have the chops, and the hooks. Love em


Someone online said it was like a warped Abba song and I can’t unhear it. Really gr8 track tho


Imaginal Disk is an absolute treasure trove. Have been digging into some interviews and have come away with Genesis/Peter Gabriel, ELO, 70s prog rock in general, The Beatles/McCartney, Radiohead and, yeah, ABBA. Prog pop!

Mercurial World channelled 80s pop and a fair bit of Prince and The Revolution, but this is even more expansive. So enjoyable.

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There’s a chord progression in Watching TV that just feels So Radiohead. Love hearing the little glimpses of other artists they’ve borrowed from in creative ways


They were both in a more straight up prog band before, weren’t they?


so they were!

Anyway I’m going to get this album today I think


Thread is a success