Inspired by my gf believing her Dad wrote Return of the Mack for ages.
My mate Ricky’s Dad told me that a Haggis was a type of goat with short legs at the front and long legs at the back so it could run round the top of mountains, I believed this for a long time.
My parents told me when you lied a tree started growing out of your head and the only way to stop it was to put your hand on your head everytime you lied
Also had a friend whose birthday is the 5th of November, and until she was 8 her parents had convinced her that everyone was just letting off fireworks for her birthday, which is pretty adorable
My dad used to say to me ‘you’re my favourite daughter’ and I’d be like ‘but i’m your only daughter’ and he’d go ‘no i have 5 others. Geri, Victoria, Mel B, Mel C and Emma’
trying to convince me that my half sisters were the spice girls
which looking back is actually quite a weird thing to say
Yeah, I know that. That’s not the lie I was told.
I was told if I specifically take ibuprofen, my stomach will bleed almost instantly so I am not allowed to take it.