The Elvis Presley estate made a move to sue BrewDog over the use of the name Elvis, so the founders have… ohohoh… changed their names to Elvis! Punk’d! Because if they’re called Elvis, then it’s just named after them! The cheeky scamps.
Would almost be credible if the blurb for their beer wasn’t literally all about Elvis Presley:
“Break out the rhinestone suit, gas up the Cadillac, and take this fruit farm for a test drive down Sunset Strip. Packing more fruit than the State of California, our citrus caped crusader will obliterate your senses. A zest zenith on the nose. Fruity foreplay gives way to an all out sensory assault. A truck load of grapefruit, orange and peach collide in an inter-state pile up. A fruity, hoppy cocktail of flavour builds to a crescendo and a bitter finale leaves you screaming for more. Elvis has left the building.
Pay homage to the bejewelled Beelzebub of fruity IPAs. A hopped up power ballad for the twenty-first century. The King is back and he’s juiced up and ready to roll. Elvis Juice, the absolute King in a world of wannabes.”
There was a very good thread on Twitter this week by Chorlton Brewing about whether they should take up an offer to stock 300 Tesco stores. Lots of interesting stuff about how it would affect them for better and worse.
I don’t mind a small brewer selling to Tesco, but BrewDog made such a huge, tedious thing about being alternative and sticking it to the man, that it’s yet another reason for me to find them tiresome hyper-capitalist skin-stealing jerks.
Yeah. Their argument is always “it gets more good beer to more people” is fine (and is the same argument they have for stocking Spoons), but it doesn’t square with their other stances.