Minor Ailments / Self-torture

I had a cold over christmas and I seem to have cut the inside of my nose somehow.
Problem is it hurts a lot but I can’t help picking at the cut deep inside my nose.

Now this just looks like I wanted to tell everyone about my scabby nose :frowning:


Bloody hell mate, you not going to talk about your hypothermic thumb in this thread?!

My body is fairly creaky these days, should probably try and get an appointment with a physio. I have a bad knee now for chissake

They’re grrrrrrrreat

(I’m so very, very sorry).

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If I do even 10 mins of stretches or have a bath before bed my back is much less worse in the morning but I probably only manage it once or twice a week.

Any time you get a mouth ulcer, right? Just can’t keep prodding it with yer tongue.

oh go on

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Ouch! That sounds painful and pretty shit!