yeah, it is a new mozzos to me, so not 100% sure of the layout. saw a lady walking out of what I thought was the ladies toilet, so waltzed into the other one assuming it was the gents.
noticed immediately that there were no troughs, but thought this must be a new thing. thought no troughs is a good idea and considered posting about it on a popular music board.
did my business, (wee) washed the hands and left. looked up at the door and yep, it was the ladies. yikes!
luckily, it was dead early, so no one saw me either going in, out, or actually in the wrong loo.
before anyone calls me out as a straight out liar, I have not had a solid night’s sleep for 3 months and counting. maximum sleep is 5 hrs, at a push. man on the edge innit. Michael Douglas in Falling Down innit.
happy to field any questions on this, or anything else morrisons related really
seems to happen to me quite a bit, starting to think i might be a wrongun. always seem to be mid-piss where i’m like… oh look there’s a bin for sanit- FUCK!!!
i did this at my old work - in fairness both toilets were just cubicles, had the sink etc. in the cubicle itself so wasn’t really any different, only realised when i was leaving that the layout was different. no-one noticed.