Monday Morning Thread

Today I am viewing A HOUSE.

Until then I’ll be reading the 2500 posts in the house buying thread.

At the gate! It’s a big plane but not a double decker. Disappointed.


There will probably be a double decker at some point in your travels?

Have fun in New York and etc!¡

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Morning everyone :wave:

Hope you have an amazing time laelfy, I will be keeping an eyeball on that Instagram account!! Can’t wait to see all you get up to! Xxx

Im feeling pretty groggy from the weekend, and fat. Massively over indulged! Had double cookie fun times last night, it was good.

Today I’m heading home for a few days. Sadly it’s because I’m going to a funeral :confused:


Possible penoid drama unfolding.

I’ll keep you all updated.

There’s an instagram account? People are on it!?


Have now read the rest of the post, sorry to hear about your circumstances for going home

hey gang

Back to reality after a fantastic long weekend mountain biking with my son in Wales - he had a great time and only crashed twice (1st crash was a grazed knee which led to a panic purchase of knee pads for him (rocky trails and every other bugger at the bike park was dressed like a storm trooper) , 2nd crash was a soft landing into mossy bushes so A OK)

Bit of drama after I got home - a dog visiting my neighbour got into my garden and chased Jessica and Moonlight away, who were then AWOL for a few hours. Such a relief when they came home. I watched the new Jason Bourne film on Netflix which was furiously adequate.

Cycled to work today, lovely and sunny again. Today is my Wednesday!







Powerful weekend including playing two (2) gigs, buying a suit for my wedding, meeting our celebrant, drinking my bodyweight and eating a roast dinner

Do not want work though I don’t know what I’m doing please help

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Look at this boy I’m looking after for 2 weeks

His name is Hero


Even if his name wasn’t hero, his name is hero


Absolute car crash of a Monday morning.

Sorry to bring the mood down, but currently reading through the “So… cancer” thread as my mum has Lymphoma and is currently doing chemo. She’s a month in, so now struggling to get her to eat things that aren’t just yogurt, smoothies or cup-a-soup. Can you get angry at someone on chemo? I’m frustrated.

Late start to the day today as I gave my mum a lie-in and dropped the wee man off an hour later than usual.
Busy weekend with lots of soft play, shopping, sleeps, dancing, MOana watching, nice food and wine (and I went out last night with MY SISTER, which is something that hasn’t happened in about 6 year because one of us has either been pregnant with a baby, or looking after a baby for the last 6 years.) It was such fun :heart_eyes: and my wee one slept till 7.15am today to give me a lie-in too, thank god.

I know a few people who’ve had chemo. It’s really hard to maintain an appetite or desire for solid food. Carrots are very good for people who are having chemo. Can you make her up some carrot soup? Maybe add some ginger to help with nausea? Some seeded batch bread along with that, and that is a nutritious meal. Does she have a blender/ smoothie maker?

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OK, that’s enough Monday. I would like to go home now

sorry to hear that man.

yeah like @anon32406580 says, maybe try some real soup instead of cup-a-soups? it can’t be easy.