MONDAYiohead Thread

Finishing work at 6am for just over a week off. Almost there.

Monday thread.


Good morning midnightpunk! Or good night maybe?! Hope you have a lovely and relaxing week off, very deserved.

Having a coffee and watching the birds out of the window. Got a zoom meditation thing in a bit, lovely way to start the week.


Morning MP, morning Kermit.

I had a job interview on Thursday and still haven’t heard. They said “Monday morning at the very latest”


  • Definitely bad news and they’re just waiting for the successful candidate to accept before telling you
  • No one knows what happens behind the scenes

0 voters

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Good luck! Will cross my fingers and toes for you x

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Morning team. Spent yesterday building ikea furniture so sore today.

Got a job interview for a position at work at 9 so that’s a bit annoying. Then some meetings and a walk in the park planned.

Good luck! It might be just that they’re taking their sorry-ass time deciding, if they’re anything like my manager.

I’ve just been propositioned by a FIT vicar on Grindr. Definitely a first for me.



Dear Brain, if I go to bed much later than the normal time that means I dont want to wake up at the normal time.

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Definitely doesn’t feel like too long. No one does anything on Fridays

Really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really cba

I need half term

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Bed warm, good; work bad


Morning all!

Last week was my October week so work dreads are pretty substantial today.

I have a dentist appointment this morning, please wish me luck


Good luck bam


Running a zoom based training session 9-1 every day this week. 4 people are signed up for it. Fuck this

Greetings from Hoogy HQ

I’ll be here all day, every day


Massive anxiety

Want to stay in bed with covers over my head

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cheers! :slight_smile:

First day in a new job. They sent me a MacBook but not the password so idk how to login to my meeting :upside_down_face:


Good luck. Is it hygienist too or just Dennis?

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