Im not too familiar with their first record but love the current one
Big Thief
There was a band on Sub Pop I used to listen to a bit in the 90s called Big Chief. Every time I see Big Thief I think ‘hmm, they’re still going then’ until I realise.
Cool story huh?
Titus Andronicus
Cloud Nothings
Gang of Youths
Cymbals Eat Guitars
The only way to salvage it now is through a bunch of kids embracing the noise of shoegaze and wedding it to some of the more outre electronic genres. The problems are many. Most bands pick a style or artist they wanna sound like and get props for how well they can emulate. There’s no incentive to push the envelope. And it’s a hideously white oriented music. Drop the guitars and get yrself a laptop pal.
Titus Andronicus’ records have decreased in quality each time, from the great debut to the meh recent one, struggle to care about them now. Had completely forgotten about Cloud Nothings, good band. Feels like an age since their last album.
[quote=“FormerGhost, post:31, topic:6639, full:true”] Had completely forgotten about Cloud Nothings, good band. Feels like an age since their last album.
Did an album with Wavves last year. Not sure what it’s like
I think you’ll find that My Vitriol are pushing the boundaries.
I know some on here felt Girl Band were just pissing around with their guitars on Holding Hands but they’ve got at least one very fine album’s worth of fairly individual sounding guitar based music across their singles and debut. Lawman is awesome.
I’m really looking forward to whatever Hospitality do in the future. Quite a few other examples too, many of whom I imagine have been mentioned in this thread.
maybe cheatahs? saw them at primavera last year, and loved their first few singles. kind of indie rock/ shoegaze vibe. never got round to following up on their second album though. hookworms, too, although the shit soundsystem kind of made them less impressive live.
Ah yeah, avoided that one as I absolutely hate the guy from Wavves.
Picked up a Mac Demarco album a while ago. I’d kind of subconsciously written him off for some reason, but then I actually listened to the music and found that it’s ridiculously up my street. So him, too.
That last Mitski album was wicked, and I want to check out her other stuff as well.
On the grungier/heavier side, God Damn and Drenge are good. I would like to see them both live as I’ve heard good things about their gigs.
Genuinely not listened to Cymbals Eat Guitars in this decade. The fact that they’re still going shows me I should try them out?
I struggled to accept the new direction on “Attack on Memory”…but once “Here and Nowhere Else” came out to equally good reviews, I bit the bullet, and now I hope he releases music as often as possible (they don’t seem to be a band that suit 3/4 year waits between albums).
I guess no-one is saying this is the most unique or original music, so I don’t really see the comparison with the use of “laptops” or whatever. I don’t look for “indie rock” when trying to find the most inventive music these days, but it definitely still has it’s place. To start with, curating an album and writing clever but catchy songs is no easy task, coupled with the energy you can get with an indie rock band…I still think they have a strong place at the forefront of music culture.
Actually walked out of Hookworms at Beacons 2013. Didn’t know them then, but I think they’re great now. Strange.
“curating” an album? sounds a bit Barry Hogan