But enough about me. What’s the first joke YOU remember being told?
A racist one
Knock knock
Who’s there?
Amos who?
A mosquito
Followed up with
Knock knock
Who’s there?
Yeta who?
Yet another mosquito
I’m easily pleased
What happened to the papershop?
It blew away
Thread went better than I expected
Was that a joke about knitting
I had this absolute chonker (like 500 pages or so) that I would read cover to cover on family holidays and somehow am still not disowned
Had another one too but it re-used a lot of the same material and I was annoyed.
The one about the man with a penguin and the policeman says ‘take that penguin to the zoo’ and then he sees them the next day and says ‘i told you to take that penguin to the zoo’ and the man says ‘i did, he loved it, today we’re going to the pictures’.
Aw that’s a great one!
Dennis the Menace and Rehasher
It doesnt usually take me 10 months to come up with them