My dudes it is Wednesday


I am fairly sure with all the scans I’ve been having, I’d have noticed if we were expecting a boy by now.

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top eyebrow action

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Bairn 1 off to grandparents, Mrs shiny away for lunch with a pal, some glorious me time or so I thought when I put revenge bairn down for a nap. She managed twenty minutes, the little nuisance.

Sod it.


Very bad sleep and a stressful night, so not been feeling top notch today. Had a Korean-ish fried egg sandwich for breakfast to treat myself, and it was so good I made another for lunch. So there’s that at least.

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weighed myself for the first time since lockdown started lol don’t do it


Never tried their coffee and I doubt its much good but they have a decent selection of smoothies and shakes and that, the first month is free and they’ve got a shop right outside my work, which is all very welcome at the moment.

Probably end up cancelling it next week once I’ve finished this bit of training and end up sat at home for another couple of months.

i mean it’s high street coffee, it’s all the same basically

but yeah smoothies and shit is a gamechanger, could smash £20 of those in a week easy

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could i literally walk in and get a coffee and a smoothie every morning :thinking: :money_mouth_face:

5 drinks a day and you can only go once every 30 mins.


Some friends of ours are trying to keep it a surprise, but in the scans the technician has been saying ‘close your eyes!’ ‘Ok now open!’ ‘Close your eyes again!’ … to the point where they’re fairly sure it’s a boy otherwise there wouldn’t be anything to close your eyes from :joy:

I’m 10 minutes walk from the nearest one so could easily do 3 a day.

Will nip in tomorrow and see if they do frappes and smoothies

and it’s free for a month so that you can get nice and addicted to caffeine and berries. christ, this is so good it’s evil.

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aw mate you always look great


didn’t have my laptop past 2 days because the charger went, and turns out I don’t like dissing on my phone.

bring back blackberries with keyboards imo

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its just incompatible with my extreme, volume heavy posting style tbh. cba to hold the device in my hands, just wanna bash shit out on the keyboard and wait for those likes.


boop the snoot