Nanowrimo - anyone fancy it?

this is good knowledge. i am trying to write what is in effect a space opera so the book will roughly weigh the same as me after a solid lunch


(i will never finish this book)

Sounds a bit like a Jack Kerouac book tbh tbf


Pal of mine’s been trying to get published for decades how, written several books and never even gets any agent bites so I have concluded publishing is a who-you-know business like music but with more scarves


i am happy for this group to support babywrimo because it’s probably what i’ll end up with

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i mean, even if i started it and made some headway it’d be amazing to even say you’d done 30,000 words in a month wouldn’t it.

i wonder if the quality does degrade tho. like, how fast do most writers write a book. some i feel would do it in a year, and therefore they would have thought things through more rather than relying on stream of consciousness to get over the finish line. well, unless you were allen ginsberg of course.



I would like to try for 10,000 words in the month. That seems more feasible than 50k but more ambitious than 5k.


i think this is the difficult part. so many people think they are writers, and then go forth to try and pitch books etc…with no success (either because they’re crap or just saturation)

i think that’d be the bit i’d struggle with. i have little enough self-esteem as it is without having to have the self belief to convince an agent what i wrote was any craic.

ah yes i forgot about this. i used to enter my poetry in some awards but didn’t get anywhere, but i think i only tried once.

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One of those things where i’m in it for my own enjoyment but should i ever finish it i will immediately become a defensive shrieking creative spending his life telling people he’s about to be published etc.


I tried this once, in about 2002. Didn’t finish. Was terrible obviously.

I know the point is not to think “nobody needs this”, but I’m pretty sure even I didn’t need it.


honest answer is that i used to be shite at seeing things through and finishing ideas. and lately, i’ve gotten good at getting to the finish line of major stuff like records or business ideas. and so i think, maybe, the time has come to try and tick this one off too.

my friend is an actual Successful Novelist. They just did it, one day. Now they’ve got two out.

Suppose I should have a bit more faith in myself at least to try.


my colleagues/pals husband is this guy:

his first novel took him ten years and a couple rewrites. Now he’s just boshing them out like it’s a breeze.


i always fail right before the end but i might do a lite version of it and not bother so much if I don’t hit the numbers, i know that’s against the point of the whole thing


ah, he’s so nice <3 he’s coming on one of my tours soon


yesss! i told him about you so i’m so glad that’s happening. i figured he’d really enjoy it

i think it’s just as valid a thing to do tbh

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Ah cute, we’ve been insta pals for a good while, since you told me to read his books i think :slight_smile: Missed meeting up with him two weeks ago as I’m very disorganised but I’m slightly concerned when i do see him I’ll immediately want to pull him on some incorrect manchester facts I’ve picked up on. DO NOT BE A PEDANT, HE IS SUCCESSFUL, YOU ARE NOT.

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