Next UK GE (a polling thread)

Saw some polling data today

which brings up this in the thread

(the figure for Greens 2015 seats is obvs wrong)

and I was wondering a few things so I thought I’d do some blind polls in the DiS bubble

In your constituency, who will you be voting for?

  • Con
  • Lab
  • Lib
  • UKIP
  • Green
  • SNP
  • PlaidC
  • DUP
  • SinnF
  • SDLP
  • UUP
0 voters

Hard to see Corbyn throwing it away from here


damn, this was supposed to be private

forget the public vote in the OP
do this one instead

  • Con
  • Lab
  • Lib
  • UKIP
  • Green
  • SNP
  • PlaidC
  • DUP
  • SinnF
  • SDLP
  • UUP

0 voters

Is your above vote a ‘tactical vote’ ?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

If the UK had full PR and thus all parties were represented in all constituencies, who would you vote for

  • Con
  • Lab
  • Lib
  • UKIP
  • Green
  • SNP
  • PlaidC
  • DUP
  • SinnF
  • SDLP
  • UUP

0 voters

If the UK had full PR could you see yourself voting for a theoretical brand new party ?

  • Absolutely, why not?
  • Maybe, but with a dose of skepticism
  • Unlikely, unless they really won me over on a core issue
  • Unlikely, they’re not going to be able to influence much anyway
  • No, I am loyal to my party
  • No, I don’t trust Johny-come-lately
  • Other (please state below)

0 voters

Long live Jezza.

  • I’m asita/a tory and being proved right’s more important than having principles

0 voters

If the UK had full PR do you think the result of the GE would be more likely or less likely to be aligned with your own political beliefs


  • More likely
  • Less likely
  • No difference
    [/poll] aligned with your own political beliefs

Actually think it’s a bad idea having private voting here. If people are going to vote for UKIP why not be upfront about it and engage about key issues? Sure, voting is fundementally an anonymous right, but it also encourages shithousery, imho. Course, positive dialogue depends on both sides being open to the other’s ideas and arguments. I’m sure there are some logical reasons for giving them your vote, but i’d like to hear them.

May as well go whole hog and then deal with the consequences rather than the other parties all going further right and the new centre ground being basically racism

well, I agree with you on what you’ve said but that wasn’t really the intention of the thread

plus I figured that if the results were private then obvious trolls were less likely to troll the polls because the key element of trolling is getting seen

Read this post three times now and it bears absolutely no correlation to the point i was making.

It’s a reason for voting ukip

How much do you agree with the following statement:

Having a fptp/winner takes all system leads inherently to abuses of power;

  • Agree strongly
  • Agree somewhat
  • Don’t know
  • Disagree somewhat
  • Disagree strongly

0 voters

I’d like to think I won’t be around for the next one

Genuinely don’t see how labour can ever win a majority again. I think you should all abandon hope in the liberal democratic process tbh.

Scotland will get a temporary reprieve in iS with the Scottish-new-labour-with-added-nationalism but events will catch up with them.

You’re conflating Labour and overt Socialism again.

depends if you’re looking for absolute or relative outcomes. Can’t draw any real conclusions on absolutes because of bias and the sample sizes are too small to give representative outcomes either absolute or relative

relative or comparative outcomes can give good indicators of further avenues of enquiry


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Having a fptp/winner takes all system leads inherently to corruption

  • Agree strongly
  • Agree somewhat
  • Don’t know
  • Disagree somewhat
  • Disagree strongly

0 voters