Actually think it’s a bad idea having private voting here. If people are going to vote for UKIP why not be upfront about it and engage about key issues? Sure, voting is fundementally an anonymous right, but it also encourages shithousery, imho. Course, positive dialogue depends on both sides being open to the other’s ideas and arguments. I’m sure there are some logical reasons for giving them your vote, but i’d like to hear them.
May as well go whole hog and then deal with the consequences rather than the other parties all going further right and the new centre ground being basically racism
well, I agree with you on what you’ve said but that wasn’t really the intention of the thread
plus I figured that if the results were private then obvious trolls were less likely to troll the polls because the key element of trolling is getting seen
depends if you’re looking for absolute or relative outcomes. Can’t draw any real conclusions on absolutes because of bias and the sample sizes are too small to give representative outcomes either absolute or relative
relative or comparative outcomes can give good indicators of further avenues of enquiry