Nintendo Switch - Super Smash Bros Direct 1st Nov

I’m only allowed to play it when my gf is about to watch, she is extremely insistent that I get as much “currency” as possible in order to get the outfits and kit out the Odyssey and that. She is insanely good at spotting it as well.

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Think I’ve spent about half my time in the game looking for purple coins tbh.


Just doesn’t feel right if you’re not playing the level in the appropriate get up

Once you beat the game it gets a lot harder. Lovingly so.

I got promoted as Yeovil in ny first season in charge via play offs and got manager of the year.

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Can I reiterate that Breath of the Wild is the greatest gaming experience of my life and I live for it now? I’ve spent 45 hours doing fuck all. Only just made it to the Goron City place and I really disliked it up arrival, but after finding one of the Talus things and climbing some mountains I think it might be better than Necluda.

I think I went to Akalla too soon though. Might go back and get that tower covered by the odd helicopter things in a bit.

Also, finding out how to defeat a Guardian, then discovering that huge labyrinth island full of them was a sight. So amazed I managed to do that without a walkthrough! Proper game loving moment.


Just completed, and enjoyed, Thimbleweed Park. Although some of it was a bit frustrating to figure out, but at least the hint system was set up well.

I’ve completed Overcooked/Mario/Steamworld/Oxenfree/Golf Story/Zelda in the last month or two, so will keep my eyes open for another nice downloadable game when it’s next on sale. I’ve recently gotten 3 stars on the 50 and 100cc races in Mario Kart 8, so will move on to 150cc next, but I’m only playing it now and then. Whilst I have barely had the incentive to play much/any of Rocket League or Worms. Maybe finally playing a bit more of these games and then playing them online will make them click a bit more for me.

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That Bounding racing thing is quoted internally the lowest point of any Mario game ever. And that includes the character design of the Broogal rabbits and the Bob Hoskin movie.

  • quite possibly
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… I didn’t understand any of that


Buy Celeste if you haven’t already

Switch has been successfully jailbroken, expect pirated emulated games and custom operating systems with ability to back up saves etc very soon

But bear in mind that if you choose to do that you may lose the ability to take your Switch online at some point in the future… Nintendo have done it in the past.


Ohh! Thanks for the warning… would have been at least curious. I have my mini NES and SNES modded for that purpose.


Oh, be curious, but also be careful :slight_smile:

So the Switch has pretty much sold 18 million units. To put that in perspective it’s out sold the Wii U by 4 million units.

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E3 direct on 12th June. The way I read this page I think it must be a brand new Smash not a port.

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how easy is a SNES Mini mod?

I really want to play Pilotwings on mine