How generous are you with this? Got any rules of thumb?
Last night at a penoid thing I tentatively offered a lift to anyone who lived in the same direction as I was going. One guy piped up, but it was about 10 minutes onto my 5 minute drive (20 minutes round trip).
He changed his mind in the awkward silence that ensued, but I’m starting think I might have been the cunt there. Thoughts?
I often want to give lifts to random people when it is raining or elderly people struggling. I have quite a big car and there is usually only me in it or at most me and a mate its a waste to travel solo. Also its fairly obvious that the people are going in the same direction or towards town. I have not done it yet though I don’t think it is acceptable
Sounds like he accepted the lift on the terms you offered them so you should’ve sucked it up.
Although the lad should’ve known he’d have been putting you out a bit and turned the lift down. Imagine it’s these sorts of social awareness skills that means he’s the sort of lad who goes to card tournaments.
In answer to your question, I’ll dole out lifts left, right and centre. Although gave a lift to a mate back down to London the other week. Had to go out of my way to pick him up and drop him off. Dumped him at his - didn’t offer any petrol money. Now I wouldn’t have accepted any (never do) but… the fact he didn’t offer has irked me.
This reminds me… Years back I offered to drive to a work do ar the dogs. Sorted out four people. Genesis sacrificial stuff. They all got smashed I had a clone or whatever. Drinks bill came at the end of the evening. Split five ways.
I didn’t say anything because I wanted to revel in the seething resentment which I do to this day.
We were at the pub shown. I was driving to the wee house. He was going to the red pin, that I could just barely fit on the screen. HAKKA is an excellent Chinese restaurant that has no relevance to this scenario. I highly recommend the Hakka Chicken.