Communal office mugs. Usually a source of the weird and wonderful. Got any good ones?
Here’s some to kick us off:
Communal office mugs. Usually a source of the weird and wonderful. Got any good ones?
Here’s some to kick us off:
Never use a communal mug, always private mug for me
A lot of ours have the names of colleagues who no longer work there printed on them, always feel awkward drinking from them
It’s probably Dave from accounts
Ours are annoyingly branded, although they are branded quite nicely.
We get free Costa anyway so I tend to use the cups.
Absolutely not a communal mug - he lives on my desk or in the desk drawer.
I also have this one (present from my sister in law) which I use for juice or porridge:
Before I left my old job to go on secondment, most people had taken their mugs home with them. Of the few remaining, one was a Bristol Stool Chart mug (ugh) and another was this (not this exact one, but the wording is identical)
Ooft, this is horrendous
ours are all standard issue white professional mugs…and as for the drinking receptables well
Now individuality exists only in what sort of water bottle you bring in, which is mostly those giant Love Island ones with their names on.
i absolutely would have bought that for myself
I love that sort of thing personally. This was the mug I drank out of every day in a job I had back in Australia:
Full Disclosure: I didn’t Win The Pool Comp’ At Q’ees
This was my old office mug btw, recently gone awol from my flat so my mum must have broken it.
(I also had a Columbo mouse mat)
Better luck next time!
Bloody hell
(Also the name of an entry on the chart)