Old users new names (amnesty thread)

Old disers with new names for the new boards, please (re)introduce yourselves here.

@meths is still @meths I believe.

I was Lucien on the old boards

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Hello, I am the user previously known as Tillance. I thought the new boards would be a good chance to ditch the ‘Tillance’ name and become slightly less googleable. I used my IRL nickname because people on the old boards called me that anyway.


It’s me, obviously.

your not smee

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Get @plasticniki to chage it?

Yes. (5 characters)

Should have just gone with ‘verily’, eh?

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safety wink

i should really have taken the opportunity to go with a new name, but i only thought of that once i’d already signed up. plus i can’t think of what to change to. OH WELL.

coffee_england ?

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yeah me too, ffs

read more like a hoogy impersonation to me tbh

Christ… I honestly never got that before now.


I used to be zxcvbnm- now I’m zxcvbnm because I wasn’t allowed to have the -.

I did also used to be zxcvbnm on the old forum but that account appears to have been wishpigged out of existence.

Ok that’s me anyway.


Will @Matt_Was_Taken still be @Matt_Was_Taken given that @Matt is not yet taken?

Hmmm, interesting.


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