We did a really great one where Bazza changed his phone number and texted Skillo pretending to be a girl he’d met in Liquid the weekend before and kept it going for a week or so before arranging a date and going “I’ll be wearing red incase you don’t recognise me” and then Baz, me and all the boys were there in red waiting for him when he was expecting it to be a date.
I remember in a previous job I had that my “mentor” kept trying not to crack up laughing because he’d attached a wireless mouse dongle to the back of someone else’s computer and every few hours would just nudge it slightly, or click a button.
One of my pals once crowned himself “the king of practical jokes” but I can’t really remember any particular pranks that he pulled. This is the same lad that once said “pizzas are designed for eating”
With this and your previous story that you were kind enough to share, it sounds like you’ve got a friendship group that is both wise and humourous. Treasure them x