Recommendations for Kyoto, Tokyo and Osaka?

Recommendations? Your experience of whether things on the list so far are worth going to or not? I will be there in March next year for just over 2 weeks. Might make side trips to Kobe/Hiroshima too (or other places people recommend). Basically we fly out to Osaka, have 5 free days, then 5 days booked in Kyoto, then another five days afterwards. I hadn’t really extensively researched places because I wanted to wait until it was firmly booked.

On the list so far:
Eat large amounts of food (I am vegetarian, travelling with vegan friend)
Just wander round and look at things, we are both aimless wanderers

Kyoto (for 5 nights- included in trip)
Old buildings and streets
The palace (if they have tickets available)
Lots of different temples
Cherry/plum blossom if it’s out yet
Lantern festival (on at the same time we’re there)
A free tour of a sake brewery is included in the holiday

Tokyo (not booked accomm yet):
The palace
Meiji shrine
Edo-Tokyo museum
Ghibli museum

Osaka (not booked accomm yet)
Noodle museum


Go full penoid in Tokyo and visit this.


Go to the Golden Gai area of Shinjuku in Tokyo. Hundreds of lovely and chill bars


Kyoto, Tokyo, ooh I wanna take ya
Osaka, Yokohama, come on pretty mama

Both mean capital city. They were just unimaginative.

I did not know that. Are you spectacular at quizzing? It seems like you probably would be.


I have a freakishly good memory. Places, people, useless trivia. A treacherously good memory perhaps.

(Don’t cross me)

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You should apply to go on ITV’s The Chase with Bradley Walsh in my opinion.

Oh no I hate competitions, I’m not competitive at all.

I feel like this is a huge loss for daytime TV quiz shows but I respect your perspective.

My #1 recommendation for Japan is Miyajima (island next to Hiroshima). It’s like the picture-perfect image of Japan i had in my head, but didn’t actually think existed before i went.


My older sister was on Supermarket Sweep once. She didn’t win.

I’d say that’s a less cerebral game than ITV’s The Chase personally but I am still somewhat impressed

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My friend from school lived in Japan for 5 years working as a teacher just outside Hiroshima. I think she went there a lot. There was definitely an island she’s a big fan of. Are there lots of deer there?

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Yep! Also a beautiful shrine.

We got there in the evening (when all the tourists get the boat back to the mainland) and stayed in a ryokan (the only one of the trip due to my budget), did a night walk with everything quiet and illuminated. In the morn got the cable har up the mountain, then a 3 hour walk down through villages and temples. Pretty much a perfect 24 hours…


Really wanna go to Japan now :tired_face:

She won some incredibly tacky merchandise, including a watch with Dale Winton’s face on it and a cd of dance remixes of the theme tune.

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:smiley: Magical