Relatively trivial peeves with the world

I have a relatively trivial peeve with expensive looking guitars being wasted as part of a display in a clothes shop or a hip bar or, as I just noticed today, in the window of a barbers. Peeves me up it does.

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I’ve seen a few in shop windows where you’d expect them to have beacoup de cash and they’ve squiers or epihones.

Wait, expensive guitars or just expensive looking guitars?

I mean is the cost that annoys you or just shops selling clothes appropriating guitars you’d like to see played live?

mainly just the idea of a guitar not being played but obviously if it’s a piece of shit compared to a lovely guitar that’s less upsetting.

There was a mint Rickenbacker bass on the wall of a bar we went to in Amsterdam.

Could not give a flying shit.

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i feel the same way about the sewing machines in all saints

They are works of art tbf.

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