Retrieving photos from DiS?

Hi all

I’ve lost a good few photos from my phone (I had sync disabled on Google Photos, then my SD card corrupted). I’ve got a fair number backed up elsewhere in Whatsapp groups etc, but there are a few gaps.

Is there a way of easily accessing every image I’ve posted on here, so that I can download the ones that I haven’t been able to retrieve elsewhere? Inevitably it’ll mean trawling through all the MS Paint nonsense / stills from Wayne’s World.

Something like this?!%5Bimage%7C%22%20%40colon_closed_bracket

This doesn’t capture all of them sadly - just images labelled image. So for example, this isn’t on the list:

Actually, this seems to do the trick, as all the photos from my phone are labelled IMG_yyyymmdd_hhmmss

Thank you!